DORMERO Hotel dresden City
Kreischaer Straße 2
01219 Dresden
Phone +49 351 87 31 0
Fax +49 351 87 31 499
Operating company:
DORMERO Deutschland Betriebs GmbH
DORMERO Hotel Königshof Dresden
Schloßstraße 67
14059 Berlin
Commercial court of Berlin
AG Charlottenburg
HRB 118425 B
VAT Number: DE 265567812
Management: Manuela Halm
The content and the structure of this website are copyrighted. The reproduction of information, especially the usage of content or graphical materials, requires the approval of DORMERO Hotel AG.
All information provided on this web site is carefully checked and updated on a regular basis. We can however not assume any guarantee that any and all data are provided completely, correctly and as per the latest update at any one time. This applies in particular to all links to other web sites referenced directly or indirectly. We herewith expressly disclaim responsibility for any contents and charts of any linked pages and do not adopt the latter as our own. In addition, any and all data provided on this web site are subject to amendment, removal or change without notice.
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