DORMERO Hotel Freudenstadt
Karl-von-Hahn-Straße 129
72250 Freudenstadt


The hotel has 80 parking spots, a parking ticket costs €10.00 a day.
It is not possible to reserve a parking space.

Entrance height parking garage 2,2m.

How to get there by car

DORMERO Hotel Freudenstadt can be reached over the A81 when travelling from the north and south. Take the "Horb a.N." exit. You then travel down the B32, B14 and B28 to Freudenstadt. You will then find the DORMERO Hotel Freudenstadt in the Karl-von-Hahn-Straße.

How to get there by public transportation

The main station is in the middle of Freudenstadt. The DORMERO Hotel Freudenstadt is about 3.2 kilometres from the main train station. The taxi trip takes about 10 minutes. Alternatively you can take a bus in the direction "Markt" and then take bus 15 or D in the direction "FDS ZOB" to the FDS Krankenhaus stop. The travel time is about 16 minutes.

How to get there by Plane

The Stuttgart airport can be reached by car (travel time approx. 75 min.) or the the train (travel time approx. 120 minutes).